Friday, January 28, 2011

What it means to me to be an intellectual beggar...

To me, to be an intellectual beggar means you have good intentions, and you need to survive.  I mean, think about it.  You're out of money, you're out of food, no help, family is gone, no friends, nothing. You need to survive somehow.

I mean it is just sad to actually see people in this world that have to do that in order to survive.  Can you just imagine yourself, on the corner of an intersection, or the exit to an express-way, or outside a store. With a cardboard sign that reads "will do ________ for food or for money".  Some people are intellectual beggars that have the bigger picture in their grasps, they just need to have some help along the way. Then there are other "types" of beggars that hold those same signs just for money to buy drugs or alcohol.  I ask this, "Why help anyone when you can't tell who are the "intellectual beggars" or the "clueless beggars"?"

It's a hard thing knowing that there are people out there living like that. Out on the streets with no help.  But what can someone like me, or you for that fact, do?

Why don't we just be honest right now and say what we really fell about ANY type of beggars.  Forget about them and move on, live our own lives right?  No, that would be the wrong thing to say if said out loud.  We may think about saying it but noone actually really says it because some people have morals and politeness. 

In my opionion, and i'm saying it, i'm gonna look at these people, think, "man i feel sorry for that person", and just move on with my life.  I believe we can only help ourselves, even when receiving it. We were born alone, we live alone, we die alone.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that pretty deep, but i enjoyed reading it. It deffentlay opened my eyes to what an "intellectual beggar" is.
